The student editing service is designed with postgraduates in mind, offering a fresh pair of eyes from someone in the arts field. Basically, this is the editing service I wish I’d had when I wrote my thesis.


A standard student edit includes grammar, syntax, clarity of expression, style, and academic tone, as well as identifying things like repetition, wordiness, unusual or awkward phrasing, and missing citations. For non-native speakers it can also include an additional focus on idiomatic expression and word choice. The standard edit also includes the consistent application of quotation marks, ellipses, abbreviations, en and em dashes, serial commas, and UK or US English. I can also check that your in-text citations / footnotes and reference list / bibliography match your chosen style guide (Chicago, APA).
The student service is intended to provide value for money, at a reduced student rate of 2 cents per word. Because I offer a single round of edits, I don’t guarantee to catch absolutely everything. Instead, this service provides the best value in terms of time given to mistakes caught. For students who are especially concerned about cost, we can agree a set amount beforehand and I can then address as many concerns as possible in the time determined by your budget.
If you are interested in the student editing service, please check your due dates against the availability calendar and use the contact form to send an enquiry. The sooner you book, the greater your chances of securing the date that suits you. Work will be turned around within three days.
“I have been using Melinda Johnston as a copy editor for my own work since 2009. […] I recommend her to Masters students (especially second-language speakers) for their thesis as she is extremely good value and doesn’t interfere with the student’s voice and content.”
Dr Emilie Sitzia

Associate Professor, Maastricht University, Master of Arts and Heritage Programme


A service that can be tailored to your specific areas of concern; for example, you might be worried that you sound too casual or that you don’t meet the required citation format.
A chance for non-native speakers to submit theses confident in the knowledge that language skills won’t hinder their work.


One of those dodgy ‘editing’ services that write your thesis for you! I don’t comment on content.

A ‘fact-checking’ service. You are responsible for this and should check things like dates and spelling of names.